Tuesday, April 25, 2017
Nifty Newly, featuring Leslie Heath
Writing interesting characters is much easier when you've met a few. And as a night shift emergency nurse with over a decade of experience, Leslie has met more than just a few. Please welcome fantasy author, long-distance runner, pet-rescuer, and people-watcher Leslie Heath.
What's the title of the book you're currently working on? I'm working on the second installment of the Nivaka Chronicles, but I haven't settled on a title for that work yet.
How many books have you written? Published/unpublished? The Last Mayor's Son was my first novel. I'm editing my second book, and have outlined and begun to write the third.
What inspires you, as a writer? I love people-watching. Whether I'm at a mall, a theme park, or a Renaissance Faire, I pay close attention to the people around me: how they walk, how they talk, how they interact with each other, and how they handle challenges. They inspire me to create interesting characters who react to the world and events around them, as well as events that push those characters to their breaking points.
How do you come up with names? Sometimes, I use online name generators. Other times, I've spent hours playing in translator apps, searching for just the right combination of letters. I even named one of my characters after my dog; I just translated his name to a different language.
How do you come up with ideas? I usually start with an interesting detail, whether it's plot, character, or setting related varies from story to story. For example, The Last Mayor's Son was borne from a day at a treetop adventure park. I wondered what it would be like to have a whole town built at that height, and the story evolved from there.
Why is originality important in fiction? Or is it important? It's important to develop characters that stand out in readers' minds. If you manage that, along with a plot that engages the readers, you'll have a winning combination.
What would you consider a good example of originality in your fiction? In The Last Mayor's Son we meet Aibek, a young man raised by his aunt and uncle in the city. We get to experience the wonder of discovery when he arrives in Nivaka and sees how glorious a village in the treetops can be. Nothing in his previous experience has prepared him for the shock of a fully developed civilization built fifteen feet off the ground, and most readers haven't read anything similar, either.
Thank you so much for joining us Leslie, and for sharing your approach to writing original fiction! If you would like to experience more of Leslie's work, please check out the excerpt below. At the bottom of the page are links to her websites, as well as links to where you can purchase her book, The Last Mayor's Son. Please show your support!
Excerpt from The Last Mayor's Son:
None of the travelers spoke as they carefully picked their way along the narrow trail. After a few minutes of walking, Aibek began to hear sounds of small animals moving in the brush, then birds singing overhead. He relaxed somewhat now that the silence was broken by
what he assumed were normal sounds. A short time later, he heard a new sound—the soft tinkling of water flowing somewhere nearby. The sound gradually grew louder as they walked, and soon Aibek saw a narrow stream with a rocky bed just to their left. He picked up the pace and hurried toward the welcoming brook.
When he reached its banks, Aibek dropped his pack on the mossy ground and stooped to drink from the cold, clear water. Beside him, Serik and Faruz did the same. Though the trees shaded them from the midday sun, the heat and humidity were oppressive, and the travelers smiled as they splashed the icy water over their sticky faces.
Aibek knelt on the stony bank and dunked his head under the swiftly flowing water. He gasped as he sat up, his hair dripping the cold water down his back and soaking his white linen shirt. He sat for a moment and stared up into the dense foliage above him. How could a village exist among those branches? What would the people have to eat? He looked down at the stream again and watched as a school of colorful fish swam downstream. How would they cook food in the trees? He hoped he wouldn’t be expected to eat raw food from now on. He shook some water from his hair, then bent and used his hands to drink from the cold stream again.
“It’s not much farther from here,” Serik announced.
Aibek smiled to hide his apprehension, then rose to his feet and gathered his pack. He barely noticed Faruz’s anxious expression as he waved his friend on by. They carefully picked their way over the crumbling bridge one at a time, with Serik leading the way. Faruz went next, and Aibek followed close behind.
As they walked, Aibek kept looking up into the densely-packed branches, trying to spot some sign of the civilization he knew somehow existed up there. He thought about his earlier imaginings of rope bridges and small treehouses. Was that what his new home looked like? Would he be able to see it among the heavy branches and thick leaves? He’d need to learn to navigate above the ground before he could consider taking over as the mayor. A new stab of apprehension struck him. What if he humiliated himself trying to learn? At least the thick moss on the ground would cushion his landing if he fell.
His thoughts kept his eyes trained on the foliage above the trail for long minutes. He looked down just in time to avoid colliding with a tree. He stopped short and looked around; his friends had continued around a bend in the path. Maybe he should pay closer attention to where he set his feet.
After that, he made sure to lower his eyes to the path at least once every three or four steps. Aibek certainly didn’t want to arrive at his new home bloodied and bruised from a mishap on the trail. Still, his thoughts remained distracted. He’d grown up in an area with few trees, and he’d never seen anything like the tall, thick trunks packed close together in this forest. The heavy foliage overhead obscured every trace of sunlight, leaving the path below shrouded in shadow and darkness.
Finally, Aibek peered into the leaves above the path and thought he could make out a wooden railing between patches of leaves. It was high in the trees; a large house could easily fit underneath the hidden structure. It looked like some sort of walkway—a sidewalk made of wood suspended in the trees. As he stared and continued walking, more of the wooden structure came into view between the branches and leaves. He slowed his steps and nudged Faruz, mutely pointing up at the mostly-hidden structure.
Find out more about Leslie at:
Website: www.leslieeheath.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LeslieEHeathAuthor/#
Twitter: @leheath_author
Buy the Rest of the Book Here:
Publisher’s website: http://www.classactbooks.com/young-adult/the-last-mayor-s-son-762-detail
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Last-Mayors-Son-Leslie-Heath-ebook/dp/B01N0RQ3VZ/
Saturday, April 22, 2017
Review of David Gowey's Jire

Here's the review I wrote for Goodreads:
In Jire, Gowey takes a serious look at poverty, colonialism, and the endurance of the human spirit. With the odds stacked against her, Jire has to balance, every day, between the weight of caring for a father who bleeds her dry, and the weight of a society that demands every bit of effort she can muster in exchange for food. Every choice she makes influences her chances for survival.
Gowey offers us a day in the life of Jire, a day that turns out differently in many respects, and yet the same in others. The language is elegant and yet real, the dialogue terse and believable, and the message is universal.
If you would like to experience the world of Jire for yourself, check out the link below. As of the time of this posting, Jire is free for those with Amazon Unlimited.
And if you would like to learn more about David Gowey and his other fiction, check out the interview I did with him just a couple weeks ago:
Nifty Newly, featuring Kenneth Gordon
Ken is a fellow Class Act Books author, with a focus on science fiction titles. If that weren't enough to take up all his time, he's also a web designer, an app and game developer, and he has a brown belt in kung fu. Right on! Please welcome to Nifty Newly, the one and only Kenneth Gordon.
What's the title of the book you're currently working on?
In My Blood is about to come out in May.
How many books have you written? Published/unpublished? What genre?
5 books so far. One is coming out in Aug. My 6th book, I'm still working on. All are Science Fiction.
What inspires you, as a writer?
It could be almost anything. This book coming out was inspired by my cat scratching me in a particular pattern.
How do you come up with names?
For me names are quite specific. I will spend time looking at baby name sites, sometimes name generators are helpful. I have a meaning in mind, so it can be difficult to find a name that matches that meaning. Most lead characters, however, have common names so the reader can more easily identify with them.
How do you come up with ideas?
All I need is one flash of inspiration and I'm off and running.
Why is originality important in fiction? Or is it important?
I'd say it is very important. It's up to us as writers, especially in the sci-fi realm, to take what is known and expand on it, to look towards the future. Originality will keep people coming back to your books. If each one follows the same formula, what is in it for the reader? If you know the detective will solve the case in five minutes every time, what is the point of reading it?
What would you consider a good example of originality in your fiction?
From my soon-to-be-released In My Blood, the ship that travels to the alien planet performs a series of quantum jumps. During them, the ship appears transparent and you can see the stars whizzing by. I do not think that has been seen before.
Thank you so much for sharing with us today, Ken! If you would like to learn more about Kenneth Gordon and his newest book, please check out the bio, blurb, and excerpt below. I've also included links to his website and social media pages.
Web Site: http://kennethgordonnovelist.com/
FB page: https://www.facebook.com/KennethGordonNovelist/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/KennethGordon69
Publisher’s website: http://www.classactbooks.com/index.php/our-authors/manufacturers/kenneth-gordon
About the Author:
Kenneth Gordon grew up in Milford, NH and still lives in that state. When he isn’t writing scifi-infused horror novels, he plays PC games, electric and acoustic guitars, and drums. He also holds a brown belt in Kung Fu.

Thomas Anderson, from New Hampshire, is just about to start his third year of pre-med at Emory University when he meets a strange little man.
Tom is whisked away to the whirlpool galaxy as he starts researching the plague and begins working towards a cure. Little does he know that the cure will cost him everything! He must decide if he is willing to give up his life for a people he doesn’t know on a world that is not his own.
“This is what we know currently. The disease originated on the second planetary orbit. The Crown Prince and two companions went to the jungle world on an exploratory mission. The Prophet had already told him before he left not to eat from the Faluth tree. After a couple days of exploring, they came upon one of those trees. He was warned again not to eat it by one of his companions, but I suspect his pride overcame his good judgment. I postulate that he may have said ‘I am the Crown Prince, I can do anything I want.’ Thus mocking the words of the Prophet. Six months later, he was dead."
“I don’t understand. How could a fruit kill him?”
“Not only him, but his companions and the royal physician who treated him. Now it has spread to the rest of the province. There are even reports it is in the other provinces as well. If you do not act, our entire species is doomed, along with the other people groups on our world.” The alien lowered his head, closed his eyes and made some sort of humming noise.
“That is our ‘Jick-now,’ funerary song,” Kai explained.
“Again, how can a fruit kill?”
El stopped humming and continued, “We don’t know. He presented with gah-fla symptoms for a couple of days, but seemed to recover. Six months hence, he was at a gathering, took a drink, and dropped to the ground, dead. It was only after we performed a post mortem that we found his heart was completely black.”
“What is the normal color?”
“Red to pink.”
“So, much like us; humans, I mean.”
“I really don’t know what exactly I can do. I’m only in my third year of pre med with one infectious disease class under my belt.”
“My son tells me that you are the Chosen One, therefore you will cure this plague. I must confess to you, human, that I have my doubts about you.” Thom stood up and took off his shirt. El-min’s eyes grew wide and his mouth opened wider. “You are indeed the Chosen One. Forgive my doubts.” El-min bowed his head low.
“Nothing to forgive.” Thom said as he put on his shirt, “Truth be told, I’m not sure I can live up to your ideal, but I’ll try my best. Can I get—”
El-min raised his hand. “I just received a message from the ship that we are about to make our first jump. Please sit down and prepare yourselves.”
The three sat down in the chairs.
“Don’t we need seatbelts or something?” Anderson asked.
“Remember the car?” asked Kai-min.
“Passive restraints?” the younger alien said.
“Oh, yeah. Ok, same deal.” Thom said as his body stiffened, not knowing what to expect.
“Jump in 3…2…1…JUMP!”
Thom closed his eyes tight and gripped the chair with a white knuckled grip. There was a strange rushing sound. He dared not look, but his curiosity got the better of him and he peeked open one eye. It was as if space itself were passing through the ship and him. He could see stars, constellations, planets; like the ship was invisible, and he was traveling alone in the dark, cold, vastness. Particles passed by him; he felt he could reach out and touch the very fabric of spacetime itself. In an instant it all compressed and whirled past him at incomprehensible speed, yet the ride was as non eventful as sitting on his own couch. Then the wall of the ship came back into view, and the trip continued as if nothing had even happened.
In My Blood will be released in May by Class Act Books. It will be available from the publisher’s website and Amazon.com.
Saturday, April 15, 2017
Nifty Newly, featuring James Austin McCormack
Welcome to another Nifty Newly! James is a Class Act Books author, like me! Unlike me, he's also a
college lecturer from Manchester, England. In addition to writing, he loves hiking
and playing the guitar, though not at the same time. Please welcome James Austin McCormack.
the title of the book you're currently working on?
Clockwork Man,
a sort of Arabian Nights/sword and sorcery fantasy novella. I have
also just finished the last book in my science fiction series,
The book is called The
Prisoner of Valathia
and will be out in June this year
How many
books have you written? Published/unpublished? What genre?
I have two
novels, four novellas and a quite a lot of short stories in various
anthologies. published so far. I also have about twenty or so
unpublished short stories which may or may not see the light of day
sometime in the future. I write speculative fiction, mainly science
fiction, horror and fantasy.
inspires you, as a writer?
pure and simple, the more I can create my own worlds, setting and
characters the better.
How do
you come up with names?
I often
look up real and ancient names, then give them a twist. It's too easy
to come up with cheesy sounding names when writing science fiction,
especially of the space opera variety. I try to avoid this at all
How do
you come up with ideas?
I'm not a
prolific writer by any means. I tend to write 300 to 500 words over
the course of the day. I find when I do this the ideas keep coming.
All I need to do is give my subconscious time to work on plots and
themes. This wouldn’t happen if I set aside a writing hour or
couple of hours like a lot of authors do.
Why is
originality important in fiction? Or is it important?
I think it
all depends on what you are trying to do. Personally, I enjoy writing
pulp flavored speculative fiction (mostly sci-fi). I'm not trying to
break new ground or write a post- modern classic. I write the type of
stories I enjoy reading. I don’t worry too much about being that
would you consider a good example of originality in your fiction?
Well, if I
had to point to something it would be the blending of genres. Several
reviews of my first science fiction book, Dragon,
have mentioned how different and original the ending is, as much
fantasy as science fiction. The last installment is even more of a
mix, equal parts science fiction, fantasy and also with more than a
touch of horror in there as well. There is also, as with all the
books in the Dragon
series, a large dose of humor.
Thank you
so much for joining us, James! If you'd like to find out more about James's fiction, please check out his social media and author pages here:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/jimbomcc69
Class Act Books: http://www.classactbooks.com/index.php/our-authors/manufacturers/james-austin-mccormick
There are more purchase links following the excerpt.

Seeking evidence to prove Tamerlane is responsible for a series of terrorist attacks, Sillow quickly uncovers the sheer scale of his plans, a lethal military strike on all four humanoid home worlds. Caught and imprisoned however, the Sylvan finds himself helpless to warn the Alliance of the coming danger.
All the while, something has been evolving, growing stronger inside the Tower, something intangible yet far more dangerous than Tamerlane ever could be, a being implacably opposed to all life in the galaxy.
And only Sillow has any chance of stopping it.
EXCERPT from Dragon:
The Tower of Tamerlane:
Laser fire and shouts echoed as
Sillow was thrown headlong into the cell.
“What are you?” a female
voiced asked. “Some type of green midget?”
Sillow groaned and tried to get
up. He settled for a slumped kneeling position.
“I’m a Sylvan,” he replied.
He squinted into the shadows and saw a figure seated on the upper
berth of a bunk. He could make out little apart from a muscular, yet
shapely pair
of legs. “Who are you?”
The figure jumped down from the
bunk. She was an Amazonian, strong and athletic with an impressive
cleavage and long chestnut hair falling around her shoulders. She was
also extremely pretty despite the
artificial eye and cheek implant. She stretched out a perfectly
formed silver arm, extending her hand. “Titanya.”
Sillow’s eyes widened. “The
Pirate Queen?”
The woman nodded.
The Sylvan took her cybernetic
hand and let himself be hauled to his feet. He found himself head
high to her magnificent chest.
“Sillow,” he replied, smiling
at her breasts. “I’m from the Alliance.”
“Up here, short stuff,” the
woman told him.
Slowly and very reluctantly,
Sillow turned his attention upwards. He grinned. “Nice to meet
Outside, cries and weapon fire
continued to echo through the halls.
Titanya frowned. “Any idea what
all that’s about?”
“Whole place is going crazy,”
the Sylvan replied. “Something got into Tamerlane’s AI system.”
The woman took a couple of
tentative steps toward the door. Screams echoed through the walls.
“Sounds like a warzone out
there,” she remarked. “You sure the AI is causing all this?”
Sillow frowned. “You know, this
is going to sound kind of crazy but…” he paused, running a hand
over his pointed chin.
“What?” Titanya demanded.
“Well, it kind of looks like
the one causing all this is Darius Drake. You heard of the guy?”
“Oh yeah,” the Earth woman
answered. “We’ve met.”
“Well, somehow he’s put
himself into the computer system.” Sillow gave an embarrassed
shrug. “Sounds sort of off the wall I know.”
There was a sudden explosion and
flames tore through the slits at the top of the door.
“Look out.” Sillow threw
himself at Titanya, knocking her off balance and sending her tumbling
to the floor. The Sylvan landed on top of her, head buried in her
thick auburn locks. A fireball tore past them, turning the bunks into
It was some moments before Sillow
glanced up. He found himself looking at the stern, beautiful features
of the Terran woman.
“You okay?” he asked. “Just
so you know, that was me protecting you.”
“Just so you know,” Titanya
replied, “under any other circumstances I’d have busted your jaw
for that.”
Sillow grinned. “You mean
saving your life?”
Titanya flung the little Sylvan
back onto his feet. “Yeah, right. I can’t believe a pipsqueak
like you got the drop on me.”
Publisher’s website:
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